General Targets

The objectives for 2021 – 2023 are as follow:

In terms of Safety;

  1. No fatal accident or involving a permanent disability for all our employees, subcontractors and visitors,
  2. Health & Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) Achievement Ratio shall be at least 80%.
  3. Reducing road safety related incidents by 50 %.


In terms of quality;

  1. Less than 3 complaints a year,
  2. Customer satisfaction survey > 80%
  3. Product compliance with Turkish Standards.


In terms of Environment;

  1. Decrease dust emission by 10% at the two highest dust emission points.
  2. Reduce noise level below 80 DBA at mill operator room.
  3. Achieve 80% of the Environmental Management Program,
  4. Achieve 80% of the environmental trainings and awareness planned in the annual training program.